LR7OC0 ;slc/dcm - Convert orders from old to new format ;8/11/97
Source file <LR7OC0.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ;For a good time, enter here. Lab order conversion with KIDS.
EN1 | ;Convert orders without KIDS
CHK | ;Check that all lab orders were converted.
CK1 | ;Check please (more validity checking). Find bad/missing ptrs to OE/RR 3.0
CK | ;Rebuild C & D -xref in 69
COUNT | ;Count orders in file 69
BULL(X,XMSUB) | ;Send bulletin
TEST(ODT,SN) | ;Test HL7 message build without calling
DISP | ;Display HL7 message
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |