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Routine: LR7OSMZ0

Package: Lab Service

Routine: LR7OSMZ0


LR7OSMZ0 ;slc/dcm - Silent Micro rpt ;8/11/97

Source Information

Source file <LR7OSMZ0.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 3

Package Total Call Graph
Lab Service 2 $$LRDFN^LR7OR1  EN^LR7OSMZ1  
VA FileMan 1 ^DIC  

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 6

Package Total Caller Graph
Order Entry Results Reporting 3 ORCXPND1  ORDV05T  ORWOR2  
Lab Service 2 LR7OGMM  LR7OSUM1  
Care Management 1 ORRCACK  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN1 ;from
EN(DFN) ;Process Microbiology entries listed in ^TMP("LRRR",$J,DFN,"MI",LRIDT,1)
  • ICR #2952
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Controlled Subscription

    External References

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    ^DIC EN1+2
    $$LRDFN^LR7OR1 EN+8
    EN^LR7OSMZ1 EN1+2

    Global Variables Directly Accessed

    Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
    ^LR - [#63] EN1+1, EN1+2
    ^TMP("LRC" EN+5!
    ^TMP("LRRR" EN+2, EN+11

    Label References

    Name Line Occurrences
    EN1 EN+13

    Naked Globals

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    ^(99 EN1+2

    Local Variables


    >> Not killed explicitly
    * Changed
    ! Killed
    ~ Newed

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    CCNT EN+4~, EN+6*
    COUNT EN+4~
    CT1 EN+4~
    DFN EN~, EN+2, EN+7, EN+8, EN+11, EN+12~
    >> DIC EN1+1*
    >> DIC(0 EN1+1*
    GCNT EN+4~, EN+6*
    GIOM EN+4~, EN+6*
    >> GIOSL EN+6*
    LBL EN+3~
    LCNT EN+3~
    LRAA EN1+2*, EN+3~
    LRACC EN1+1*, EN1+2, EN+3~
    LRAD EN1+1*, EN+3~
    LRAN EN1+2*, EN+3~
    LRCMNT EN1+2*, EN+3~
    LRDFN EN1+1, EN1+2, EN+3~, EN+8*, EN+9, EN+10
    LRDPF EN+3~, EN+10*
    LREND EN1+2, EN+4~, EN+6*
    LRIDT EN1+1, EN1+2, EN+3~, EN+10*, EN+11*
    LRIN EN+4~
    LRJ02 EN+3~
    LRLLT EN1+1*, EN+3~
    LRONESPC EN+4~, EN+6*
    LRONETST EN+4~, EN+6*
    LRPG EN1+2*, EN+3~
    LRSB EN+3~
    SEX EN+4~, EN+10*
    U EN1+1
    >> X EN1+1*, EN1+2
    >> Y EN1+2
    Info |  Source |  Call Graph |  Caller Graph |  Entry Points |  External References |  Global Variables Directly Accessed |  Label References |  Naked Globals |  Local Variables  | All