LR7OU1 ;slc/dcm - General Utilities ;8/11/97
Source file <LR7OU1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(TST,SUB) | ;Expand a lab panel
TEST | ;Test expanding panel
UPPER(X) | ; Convert lower case X to UPPER CASE
WC(PK,IFN) | ;Get collection type for print fields
ACC(PK,IFN) | ;Get accession numbers for print fields
LU(PK,IFN) | ;Get urgency for print fields
COL(PK,IFN) | ;Get collection sample with Tube type for print fields
VER() | ;Check OE/RR version #
GETTEST(IFN) | ;Get Lab test from Order entry
GETST(ODT,SN,IFN) | ;Find test node from LRODT,LRSN for a given ORIFN
GET0(ODT,SN) | ;Get zero node: ^LRO(69,ODT,1,SN,0) for an ORIFN
SAMP(ODT,SN) | ;Get collection sample pointer from lab order
TYPE(ODT,SN) | ;Get collection type internal value from lab order
SAMPCOM(PK,IFN) | ;Get Ward Remarks (specimen) for lab order
WARDCOM(PK,IFN) | ;Get General Ward comments on a test order
EXPAND(TEST,ARAY) | ;Expand a lab test panel
EX(TST) | ;
SPLIT(TXT,ARAY,CTR,LENGTH,PRE,POST) | ;Splits text into an array
STRIP(X) | ; -- Strip leading spaces from text X