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Routine: LR7OV2


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  1. LR7OV2 ;slc/dcm - Menu actions for parameter updates ;8/11/97
  1. ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**121,187**;Sep 27, 1994
  1. ;
  1. ALL ;Get all tests in file 60. Used for initial conversion.
  1. N AIFN
  1. S AIFN=0 F S AIFN=$O(^LAB(60,AIFN)) Q:AIFN<1 D ADD^LR7OV0(AIFN) I "N"[$P(^LAB(60,AIFN,0),"^",3) D DEACT^LR7OV0(AIFN)
  1. Q
  1. ALLU ;Update all tests in file 60.
  1. N AIFN
  1. W !,"This option will update OE/RR with all Lab tests in file 60.",!,"This will take some time. Are you sure you want to continue" S %=2 D YN^DICN
  1. I %=0 W !!,"Answer YES to update all lab tests, NO to quit." G ALLU
  1. Q:%'=1 S AIFN=0
  1. ;I $$VER^LR7OU1<3 W !!,"Cannot continue. OE/RR 3.0 has not been installed." Q
  1. I '$$XPARCK W !!,"Cannot continue. XPAR Parameter utilities have not been installed." Q
  1. F S AIFN=$O(^LAB(60,AIFN)) Q:AIFN<1 D UPD^LR7OV0(AIFN) W "."
  1. W !!,"----DONE----"
  1. Q
  1. SING ;Update OE/RR with single test from file 60
  1. ;I $$VER^LR7OU1<3 W !!,"Cannot continue. OE/RR 3.0 has not been installed." Q
  1. I '$$XPARCK W !!,"Cannot continue. XPAR Parameter utilities have not been installed." Q
  1. N DIC,Y
  1. S DIC=60,DIC(0)="AEQM" D ^DIC Q:Y<1
  1. S1 W !!,"Update OE/RR with parameters for test: "_$P(^LAB(60,+Y,0),"^")
  1. S %=1 D YN^DICN
  1. I %=0 W !!,"Answer YES to update OE/RR with the parameters in file 60 for selected test" G S1
  1. Q:%'=1 D UPD^LR7OV0(+Y)
  1. W !!,"----DONE----"
  1. Q
  1. PARAM ;Update OE/RR with lab parameters
  1. ;I $$VER^LR7OU1<3 W !!,"Cannot continue. OE/RR 3.0 has not been installed." Q
  1. I '$$XPARCK W !!,"Cannot continue. XPAR Parameter utilities have not been installed." Q
  1. W !,"This option will update OE/RR with all Lab ordering parameters.",!,"OK to continue" S %=2 D YN^DICN
  1. I %=0 W !!,"Answer YES to update all lab ordering parameters, NO to quit." G PARAM
  1. Q:%'=1 D EN^LR7OV1
  1. W !!,"----DONE----"
  1. Q
  1. EN(ORVP,TALK) ;Convert lab patients on the fly
  1. ;ORVP=Patient DFN;DPT( (variable ptr format)
  1. ;TALK=1 to write, 0 for silence
  1. I $$VER^LR7OU1<3 Q ;OE/RR 2.5 Check
  1. I $G(^ORD(100.99,1,"CONV")) Q
  1. S X="^"_$P(ORVP,";",2)_+ORVP_",""LR"")",LRPDFN=+$S($D(@X):@X,1:0),FLG=0 Q:'LRPDFN
  1. Q:'$D(^LRO(69,"D",LRPDFN))
  1. S ODT=0 F S ODT=$O(^LRO(69,"D",LRPDFN,ODT)) Q:ODT<1 S SN=0 F S SN=$O(^LRO(69,"D",LRPDFN,ODT,SN)) Q:SN<1 Q:'$D(^LRO(69,ODT,1,SN,0)) D
  1. . S X=^LRO(69,ODT,1,SN,0),LRORD=+$G(^(.1)) I $P(X,"^",11) Q
  1. . F L +^LRCNVRT(LRORD):360 Q:$T
  1. . S LRODT=0
  1. . D NEW1^LR7OB0(ODT,SN,"ZC") W:$G(TALK) "."
  1. . S $P(^LRO(69,ODT,1,SN,0),"^",11)=1.69
  1. Q
  1. XPARCK() ;Check for existance of XPAR routine
  1. Q $L($T(XPAR^XPAR))