LRRPL ;DALOI/JMC - Interim Report Performing Lab Utility ;03/12/13 09:46
Source file <LRRPL.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
RETLST(LRPL,LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,LROPT) | ; Retreive list of Report sections and related performing labs.
; Call with LRPL = array listing section and related performing lab name/address/CLIA (by reference) ; LRDFN = File #63 IEN ; LRSS = File #63 subscript ; LRIDT = File #63 inverse date/time of specimen ; LROPT = 0 (addresses); 1 (no addresses); 2 (list/iens) ; ; Returns LRPL = array listing section and related performing lab name/address/CLIA ; |
RETSEC(LRREC,LRDFN,LRPLIEN,LROPT) | ; Retrieve Report section and related performing lab.
; Call with LRREC = array listing section and related performing lab name/address/CLIA (by reference) ; LRDFN = File #63 IEN ; LRPLIEN = Reference to entry in "PL" subscript ; LROPT = 0 (addresses); 1 (no addresses); 2 (list/iens) |
CHCHK | ; Check and resolve CH subscript
MICHK | ; Check and resolve MI subscript
APCHK | ; Check and resolve SP, CY and EM subscript
AUCHK | ; Check and resolve AU subscript
GETORG(LRREF) | ; Retrieve name of organism from file #61.2
; Call with LRREF = reference to entry in file #63 |
GETDRUG(LRSECT,LRJ) | ; Retreive name of drug in file #62.06 from drug data name
; Call with LRSECT = drug section in MI subscript (3=bacteria/12-TB) ; LRJ = drug node |
GETDRUG2(LRREF) | ; Retreive name of drug in file 63.32 (#200) ANTIBIOTIC or file 63.42A (#28) ANTIBIOTIC LEVEL
; Call with LRREF = reference to entry in file #63 |
CMTSEQ(LRREF) | ; Determine the sequence # for a comment line
; Deal with intervening comments being deleted during edits resulting in the comment IEN being ; different than the display sequence #. |
MISEQ | ; Check for comment seq on MI subscript