LRUTIL2 ;DALOI/JDB -- Lab KIDS Utilities ;04/30/12 10:04
Source file <LRUTIL2.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
; Perform basic environment checks |
; Display messages using BMES^XPDUTL or MES^XPDUTL ; Accepts single string or string array ; Inputs ; STR:<byref><byval> The string to display. ; CJ:<opt> Center text? 1=yes 0=no <dflt=1> ; LM:<opt> Left Margin (padding) <dflt=0> ; POS <opt> value for $$CJ^XLFSTR (80=default) |
; Display a string using MES^XPDUTL ; Inputs ; STR:<byref>or<byval> String to display ; CJ:<opt> Center text? 1=yes 0=1 <dflt=1> ; LM:<opt> Left Margin (padding) dflt=0 ; POS:<opt> <dflt=IOM,80> |
; Send an Alert message. ; Inputs ; MSG: Message text ; RECIPS:<byref><opt> Array of Recipients <dflt=G.LMI> ; : Set RECIPS("-G.LMI") to exclude LMI group. |
; Substitute for EN^DDIOL API. ; Enhanced for pagination control. ; Inputs ; TXT:<byval><byref> Text to display ; GBL:<byval><opt> Global reference of text. (See EN^DDIOL) ; FMT:<opt> Format array. (See EN^DDIOL) ; USENP:<opt> Use NP (use pagination) 1=yes 0=no <dflt=0> ; CHKABORT:<opt> Check for user abort 1=check 0=dont <dflt=0> ; ABORT:<byref><opt> User abort status (output) ; PGDATA:<byref><opt> Page Data array (see NP^LRUTIL) ; Outputs ; Displays the text. ; ABORT: ; PGDATA: |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DIC(19 - [#19] | FIND1^DIC, GET1^DIQ |