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Routine: LRUTIL3

Package: Lab Service

Routine: LRUTIL3


LRUTIL3 ;DALOI/JDB - Lab Utilities ;11/04/11 11:07

Source Information

Source file <LRUTIL3.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; Process a FileMan filing error.
; Stores info into ^TMP(TMPNM,$J,timestamp:seq)
; Purges existing ^TMP entries as needed.
; Displays FM error text and additional text.
; Inputs
; ERR: Name of FileMan error array.
; RTN:<opt> Routine info (ie TAG^RTN).
; FDA:<opt> Name of FileMan FDA array.
; TXT:<byref><opt> Additional error message text.
; : TXT(0) used to indicate if text should be placed above
; : or below the FileMan error text. (0=above<dflt> 1=below)
; CONFIG:<byref><opt> Array for additional config info.
; : CONFIG("CJ"):<opt> Center Justify? 1=yes 0=no <dflt=0>
; : CONFIG("LM"):<opt> Left Margin <dflt=1>
; QUIET:<opt> 1=no screen display 0=Display <dflt=0>
; MORE:<opt> Display "MORE" prompt 0=no 1=yes <dflt=0>
; HOOK:<opt> Executable code to add custom functionality.
; Private helper method for FMERR above.
; Kills the FMT array when done.
; Inputs
; ARR:<byref> Target array (See Outputs)
; TXT:<byval><byref> Text to add to target array.
; FMT:<byref><opt> Format array
; : FMT(1)="!!"
; Outputs
; ARR: The modified array.

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^VA(200 - [#200] FIND^DIC
200.07 FIND^DIC
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