Prompt: $C(7),!!,X," Not in Accession Area file (#68)",!,"Tell responsible person to enter ",X," in file."
Line Location: A+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $C(7),!!,"You do not have the appropriate security key to select this section.",!
Line Location: A+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $C(7),!!,"LAB DATA FILE(#63) is missing one of the following:",!?3,"BLOOD BANK (63.01)",!?3,"EM (63.02)",!?3,"SURGICAL PATHOLOGY (63.08)",!?3,"CYTOPATHOLOGY (63.09)",!!?29,"Please tell IRM STAFF"
Line Location: A+8
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: $C(7),!!,"There are no accession areas for blood bank.",!,"Please have responsible person enter one in Accession File (#68)."