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Routine: MAGD350L

Package: Imaging

Routine: MAGD350L


MAGD350L ;WOIFO/RED/PMK - CREATE FILE REFERENCE FROM ^MAG(2005) ; Jan 03, 2023@10:37:34

Source Information

Source file <MAGD350L.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
VST ; Entry point to get a full size image with copying from JB to MAG DISK
VSTNOCP ; Entry point to get a full size image without copying it from the JB
ABS ; Entry point to get an image abstract with copying from JB to MAG DISK
ABSNOCP ; Entry point to get an image abstract without copying it from the JB
BIG ; Entry point to get a big file with copying from JB to MAG DISK
BIGNOCP ; Entry point to get a big without copying it from the JB
DIRHASH(FILENAME,NETLOCN) ; determine the hierarchical file directory hash
NOWHERE ; File is not anywhere on the jukebox -- output error message
; Requested imagQe file is not on the Jukebox
OFFLINE ; Jukebox Cartridge is off-line -- output error message
; Jukebox Cartridge with image file is off-line."
IMOFFLN(FILE) ;Check to see if image is offline (jb platter removed)
TIER2LOC() ; Get the TIER-2 location for the image entry and set it if null

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^MAG(2005.2 - [#2005.2] GET1^DIQ
^MAG(2006.1 - [#2006.1] GET1^DIQ
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