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Routine: MAGDHOW0

Package: Imaging

Routine: MAGDHOW0


MAGDHOW0 ;WOIFO/PMK,DAC - Capture Consult/Request data ; Oct 04, 2021@12:30:55

Source Information

Source file <MAGDHOW0.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
FINDSEG(ARRAY,SEGMENT,I,X) ; find a specific HL7 segment in an array
; input -- ARRAY ---- an HL7 array
; input -- SEGMENT -- three-letter HL7 segment identifier
; input -- I -------- index of the found segment (or null)
; output - I -------- index of the found segment (or null)
; output - X -------- string of fields sans segment identifier
; return - HIT ------ flag indicating segment found
NEWTIU(GMRCIEN) ; check if this is a TIU note to be linked to an image group
; if so, create the cross-linkages now
TIUXLINK ; create the cross-linkages to TIU EXTERNAL DATA LINK file
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