MAGDQR08 ;WOIFO/EdM,MLH,BT - Cross-References for Query/Retrieve ; 27 Nov 2012 12:58 PM
Source file <MAGDQR08.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PRUNE(RESULT) | ; Remove duplicate UIDs based on PRMUID
; PRMUID must be defined before calling this procedure ; PRMUID : Duplicate UID Handling parameter ; 0 : Error if there is duplicate UID (Error Handled outside this procedure) ; 1 : All (Duplicate is not an error so this proc won't be called) ; 2 : Keep UID with the oldest image saved date, delete the rest (handled in this procedure) ; 3 : Keep UID with the latest image saved date, delete the rest (handled in this procedure) |
REMDUP(HDR) | ; Based on HDR array, remove or keep Study UID records, return number of records removed
SAVHDR(KEEP,HDR) | ; Based on what to keep, generate HDR array contains records to keep and to remove
KEEPHDR(KEEP) | ; Based on PRMUID, get "the oldest/latest date" records to keep
DELSUB(RESULT,HDRRECNO) | ; Delete Sub File (2006.57321) record group including indices
; The Header Information such as Highest IEN and Counter will be updated at the end (UPDSUBHD) |
UPDHDREC(RESULT,R1,NEWCNT) | ; Update Header Result # record with a new counter
UPDSUBHD(RESULT,KILLCNT) | ; Update the Sub File 2006.57321 Header
ACCNUM(IMAGE) | ; Calculate Accession Number for Image
PROCNAM(IMAGE) | ; Calculate Procedure Name for Image
PROCNUM(IMAGE) | ; Calculate Procedure Number for Image
X1(DA,KILL) | ||
FileNo | Call Tags |
^TIU(8925 - [#8925] | GET1^DIQ |