MAGDSTQ0 ;WOIFO/PMK - Study Tracker - Query/Retrieve user ; Aug 16, 2020@17:57:20
Source file <MAGDSTQ0.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
INITXTMP() | ; initialize ^XTMP
KILLXTMP(MAGXTMP,TODAY) | ; remove old ^XTMP files
PPATIENT | ; patient root patient level query keys
PSTUDY | ; patient root study level query keys
PSERIES | ; patient root series level query keys
PIMAGE | ; patient root image level query keys
SSTUDY | ; study root study level query keys
SSERIES | ; study root series level query keys
SIMAGE | ; study root image level query keys
ASKDASH | ; ask the dash question
DASHES(OUTPUT) | ; lookup whether or not PID should contain dashes - returns Y or N
PUSH(QRSTACK) | ; push the query down onto the stack
POP(QRSTACK) | ; remove the old query from the stack
ERRORMSG(PAUSE,TEXT,INFO) | ; display error message to user called from MAGDSTQA
ERRMSG1(MSG,I,INFO) | ; split long lines into shorter ones
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |