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Routine: MAGGSTI

Package: Imaging

Routine: MAGGSTI


MAGGSTI ;WOIFO/GEK - Imaging interface to TIU RPC Calls etc. ; 01 Nov 2001 12:32 PM

Source Information

Source file <MAGGSTI.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; given a CLASS in PROC parameter
; The compressed listing, 4 columns "Date^Spec^Desc^Img Count^procedure info"
; The node info from TIUSRVLO is
; TIUDA Desc date patient duz;author status
; x)=2452^General Note^2910528.1533^HOOD, ROBIN (H2591)^10;MELANIE BUECHLER
; service status visit info ? ? ?
; ^CARDIOLOGY^completed^Visit: 05/28/91^ ^^0^
IMGCT(TIUDA) ; Get count of images for this TIU Document
; If more than one group (or image) is pointing to this Document
; then return "Group count : total images" i.e. "3:134"
FILE(MAGRY,MAGDA,TIUDA) ; RPC Call to file TIU and Imaging Pointers
; TIU API to add image to TIU
; TODO; have to validate that the Imaging patient matches the TIU patient.
DATA(MAGRY,TIUDA) ;RPC Call to get TIU data from the TIUDA
; Return = TIUDA^Document Type ^Document Date^DFN
; returning DFN is new, We'll need IA for it ;TODO
IMAGES(MAGRY,TIUDA) ;RPC Call to get all images for a given TIU DA
; We first get all Image IEN's breaking groups into seperate images
; Then get Image Info for each one.
; MAGRY - Return array of Image Data entries
; MAGRY(0) is 1 ^ message if successful
; 0 ^ Error message if error;
; TIUDA is IEN in ^TIU(8925

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^TIU(8925 - [#8925] GET1^DIQ
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