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Routine: MAGGTSR

Package: Imaging

Routine: MAGGTSR


MAGGTSR ;WOIFO/GEK - SURGERY CASE LIST ; [ 06/20/2001 08:57 ]

Source Information

Source file <MAGGTSR.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; Call to get list of Patient Surgery procedures
; MAGDFN = Patient DFN
; DATA = For Future Use.
C1 ;This is the New Call, which has Non-OR, but doesn't have Scheduled
E1 ;Now merge the lists from each of the two calls to Surgery Routines.
; Count of images for this Surgery Case
; If more than one group (or image)
; then return "Group count : total images" i.e. "3:134"
; else return count of Images i.e. "4"
; Called with the IEN of the Surgery package ^SRF(170,x
; We'll return a list of images.
GETLIST ; called from other points in this routine, when SRFIEN is defined
; and returns a list in MAGRY(1..n)
; We'll make a tmp list of just the image IEN's
; splitting groups into individual image entries.

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