MAGGTUX4 ;WIOFO/NST - Imaging utility to run in post install ; 06 Dec 2010 9:27 AM
Source file <MAGGTUX4.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
UPD20051() | ; Updates IMAGE AUDIT file (#2005.1)
; Returns 0 for success ; and -39^Taskman has not scheduled the task for failure |
UPD2005() | ; Updates IMAGE file (#2005)
; Returns 0 for success ; and -39^Taskman has not scheduled the task for failure |
UPD11312 | ; Update STATUS field (#113) in IMAGE AUDIT file (#2005.1) to 12 (Deleted)
UPD1131 | ; Update STATUS field (#113) in IMAGE file (#2005) to 1 (Viewable)
; when the value is blank |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^MAG(2005 - [#2005] | UPD1131+4, UPD1131+6* |
^MAG(2005.1 - [#2005.1] | UPD11312+3, UPD11312+5* |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
MAGDESC | UPD20051+3~, UPD20051+4*, UPD20051+6, UPD2005+3~, UPD2005+4*, UPD2005+6 |
MAGIEN | UPD11312+1~, UPD11312+2*, UPD11312+3*, UPD11312+5, UPD1131+2~, UPD1131+3*, UPD1131+4*, UPD1131+6 |
MAGRC | UPD20051+3~, UPD20051+7*, UPD2005+3~, UPD2005+7* |
MAGRES | UPD20051+3~, UPD20051+6*, UPD20051+7, UPD20051+11, UPD2005+3~, UPD2005+6*, UPD2005+7, UPD2005+11 |
MOTH | UPD20051+3~, UPD20051+6, UPD2005+3~, UPD2005+6 |
MOTH("ZTDTH" | UPD20051+5*, UPD2005+5* |
MSG | UPD20051+3~, UPD20051+9!, UPD20051+11, UPD2005+3~, UPD2005+9!, UPD2005+11 |
MSG(1 | UPD20051+10*, UPD2005+10* |
U | UPD11312+5, UPD1131+6 |