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Routine: MAGUE001

Package: Imaging

Routine: MAGUE001


MAGUE001 ;WOIFO/MLH/BT/DAC - database encapsulation - study description for DICOM ; May 28, 2020@09:02:05

Source Information

Source file <MAGUE001.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
STYDESC(IMAGE,ERR) ;FUNCTION - return study description for an image
; input: IMAGE IEN of the image on ^MAG(2005)
; function return: p1 study description of the image
; (^-pieces) p2 descriptive error message if any
STYDESC2(TYPE,IMAGE,ERR,IENTYPE) ; UPDATED FUNCTION - return study description for an image
; input: TYPE R or C (old database) or N (new database)
; IMAGE IEN of the image on ^MAG(2005)
; IENTYPE P263 DAC - Default/Null for SOP (#2005.64) file, "IMAGE" for Image (#2005.65) file
; function return: p1 study description of the image
; (^-pieces) p2 descriptive error message if any
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