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Routine: MCARUTL2


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  1. MCARUTL2 ;HOIFO/WAA-Utility Routine #2;11/29/00 09:55
  1. ;;2.3;Medicine;**30**;09/13/1996
  1. ;;
  1. ;;These APIs are referenced in DBIA 3279
  1. ;Input:
  1. ; Required:
  1. ; ARRAY = Array that data is to be stored in
  1. ; DFN = Patient DFN
  1. ; SUB = Sub Speciality on file 697.2
  1. ; Optional:
  1. ; FROM = From date
  1. ; TO = To date
  1. ;
  1. SUB(ARRAY,DFN,SUB,FROM,TO) ; Set a Screen for certain Speciality
  1. N %I,%H,DISYS
  1. K ARRAY ; Purge Array
  1. S PATNAM="",CNT=0 ; init
  1. I DFN'="" S PATNAM=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.01,"I") ; Get patient name
  1. I PATNAM="" S ARRAY(CNT)="0^No patient has been defined." Q ; no patient name
  1. I '$D(^MCAR(690,DFN,0)) S ARRAY(CNT)="0^"_PATNAM_" has NO Medicine Procedures on file." Q ; Patient is not in Medicine patient
  1. I $G(FROM)="" S FROM=0 ; get from the beginning of time
  1. I $G(TO)="" D NOW^%DTC S TO=% ; get to now
  1. I SUB="" S ARRAY(CNT)="0^No Procedure defined." Q
  1. S SUBTXT=SUB ; if passing Text name saving it
  1. I SUB'?1N.N S SUB=$O(^MCAR(697.2,"B",SUB,0))
  1. I SUB<1 S ARRAY(CNT)="0^"_SUBTXT_"is an invalid Sub Speciality." Q
  1. ; ^----Will quit id Sub is not found in the 697.2,"B"
  1. S SPEC=$G(^MCAR(697.2,SUB,0)) ; Getting Sub Spec
  1. I SPEC="" S ARRAY(CNT)="0^"_SUBTXT_"is an invalid Sub Speciality." Q
  1. ; ^--- No Sub Spec.
  1. S FILE=$P(SPEC,U,2) ; Extended Reference
  1. S FN=$P(FILE,"(",2) ; file Number in MCAR name Range
  1. S FNAME=$P(SPEC,U) ; Procedure Name
  1. S IEN=0 ; v--- Looping in file FN for Patient DFN
  1. F S IEN=$O(^MCAR(FN,"C",DFN,IEN)) Q:IEN<1 D
  1. . N LIN
  1. . S LIN=$G(^MCAR(FN,IEN,0))
  1. . Q:LIN="" ; Invalid entry
  1. . ;Filter 699 and 699.5 for valid procedures
  1. . I FN=699,$P(LIN,U,12)'=SUB Q
  1. . I FN=699.5,$P(LIN,U,6)'=SUB Q
  1. . ;Filter dates
  1. . S PDATE=$P(LIN,U) ; Procedure date
  1. . I PDATE<FROM Q ; quit out of range
  1. . I PDATE>TO Q ; quit out of range
  1. . S PEDATE=$$FMTE^XLFDT(PDATE,8) ; convert date to external format
  1. . S CNT=CNT+1
  1. . ; getting Imaging PT
  1. . I (+$P($G(^MCAR(FN,IEN,2005,0)),U,3)) N CNT2,IMAGE S (IMAGE,CNT2)=0 F S IMAGE=$O(^MCAR(FN,IEN,2005,IMAGE)) Q:IMAGE<1 D
  1. . . N IEN2005
  1. . . S IEN2005=$P($G(^MCAR(FN,IEN,2005,IMAGE,0)),U) Q:IEN2005<1
  1. . . S CNT2=CNT2+1
  1. . . S ARRAY(CNT,2005,CNT2)=IEN2005
  1. . . Q
  1. . ; ^------ Building Array for entry
  1. . I $D(ARRAY(CNT,2005,1)) S ARRAY(CNT)=ARRAY(CNT)_U_"1"_U
  1. . E S ARRAY(CNT)=ARRAY(CNT)_U_"0"_U
  1. . Q
  1. I CNT<1 S ARRAY(CNT)="0^No "_FNAME_" procedure found for Patient "_PATNAM
  1. ; ^------- No entries found for patient
  1. E S ARRAY(0)="1^"_CNT_" "_FNAME_" Procedure"_$S(CNT=1:"",1:"s")_" found for Patient "_PATNAM
  1. ; ^------- Processing 0 node on array if data was found
  1. S ARRAY=CNT ; passing total number of entries found for patient
  1. Q
  1. PATLK() ; Lookup patient in medicine file.
  1. S DIC="^MCAR(690,",DIC(0)="AEMQ"
  1. D ^DIC
  1. Q +Y
  1. PATSUB(ARRAY,DFN) ; Find all Subs for a patient
  1. K ARRAY ; Purge Array
  1. S PATNAM="",CNT=0 ; init
  1. I DFN'="" S PATNAM=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.01,"I") ; Get patient name
  1. I PATNAM="" S ARRAY(CNT)="0^No patient has been defined." Q ; no patient name
  1. I '$D(^MCAR(690,DFN,0)) S ARRAY(CNT)="0^"_PATNAM_" has NO Medicine Procedures on file." Q ; Patient is not in Medicine patient
  1. S SUB=0
  1. F S SUB=$O(^MCAR(697.2,SUB)) Q:SUB<1 D
  1. . ; Go thur all the entries in 697.2
  1. . N LN,IEN,PCNT
  1. . S LN=$G(^MCAR(697.2,SUB,0)) ; insure that the entry is valid
  1. . Q:LN=""
  1. . S FILE=$P(LN,U,2) ; get the MCAR file name
  1. . S FN=$P(FILE,"(",2) ; get the file number
  1. . S FNAME=$P(LN,U) ; get the procedure name
  1. . Q:'$D(^MCAR(FN,"C",DFN)) ; quit if there is no entry for that patient
  1. . S PCNT=$$VALDT(DFN,FN,SUB) I PCNT=0 Q ; Validate that there are SUBs
  1. . S CNT=CNT+1
  1. . S ARRAY(CNT)=FNAME_U_SUB_U_PCNT ; Build array string
  1. . Q
  1. I CNT=0 S ARRAY(CNT)="0^There are no Procedures on file for "_PATNAM
  1. E S ARRAY=CNT S ARRAY(0)="1^There were "_CNT_" procedures found for patient "_PATNAM
  1. Q
  1. VALDT(DFN,FN,SUB) ; Validate that there is a report for that patient
  1. N ANS,IEN
  1. S (ANS,IEN)=0 ; Init
  1. F S IEN=$O(^MCAR(FN,"C",DFN,IEN)) Q:IEN<1 D
  1. . ; Loop thru and validate each entry for a subspeciality
  1. . N LIN ; init
  1. . S LIN=$G(^MCAR(FN,IEN,0)) ; check the 0 node valid
  1. . Q:LIN="" ; Invalid entry
  1. . ;Filter 699 and 699.5 for valid procedures
  1. . I FN=699,$P(LIN,U,12)'=SUB Q
  1. . I FN=699.5,$P(LIN,U,6)'=SUB Q
  1. . S ANS=ANS+1 ; If it is valid then add 1 to the count
  1. . Q
  1. Q ANS ; pass back the total number of valid entries found