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Routine: MCDUPM

Package: Medicine

Routine: MCDUPM



Source Information

Source file <MCDUPM.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
MAIN2(IEN) ;The 2nd half of main
DUP(FILE,ID) ;Main Routine
ID(FILE) ;loads the Identifiers from the ID node
POINTER(FILE,POINT) ;load the pointers from th PT node
INIT(FILE,ID) ; Builds a global with all of the indefitiers
LOAD(FILE,NAME,ID) ;Loads the array.
MOVE(FILE,FILEN,REC,COUNT) ;Get the Identifiers from the file
FINDDUPS(FILE,ID) ; Finds Duplications and store them in a temp global
BUILD(TEMP,FILEN) ; Move the duplication in a single global
TABLE(FILE,ID) ; Takes the temp array and builds a table for repointing
FILE ;;File#

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: @IOF,"Compiling Data: please wait",!!!!
  • Line Location: START+3
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,IEN,?20,$$GET1^DID(IEN,"","","NAME")
  • Line Location: MAIN2+1
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: ?60,$S($D(YES):"DUP",1:"NO DUP")
  • Line Location: MAIN2+6
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