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Routine: MCESSCR

Package: Medicine

Routine: MCESSCR


MCESSCR ;WISC/DCB-Sets up the screening for Electronic Signature ;6/26/96 12:51

Source Information

Source file <MCESSCR.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
PREEDIT(MCFILE) ; sets screen logic for edit
PREVIEW(MCFILE) ; sets screen logic for display and prints.
SCRPRT(KEY,MFD,SUP,SUPV) ; Screens out the records for printing.
SCREDIT() ; Screens out the records for edits
SCRSUMPT(MCESKEY,REC,SUPV) ;Screen out the records for summary of patients
; Screens out mark for deletion and draft reports if the user don't
; have the key
SCRDEL(MCFILE,REC) ;Screen out for deleting drafts
ESTONUM(MCFILE,MCREC) ; Convert Release Code to Number
ESTONUM1(TP) ; Convert a value to Release status
ESRC(MCFILE,MCARGDA) ; Electronic Singature & Release Control
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