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Routine: MCPOS01


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  1. MCPOS01 ;HIRMFO/WAA - SEARCH AND DELETE - ;8/6/96 07:25
  1. ;;2.3;Medicine;;09/13/1996
  1. ;
  1. G EN1^MCPOS01A
  1. ;
  1. ;====================================================================
  1. ;
  1. ; This routine will loop through a file and find all the x-references
  1. ; for that file and delete them.
  1. ;
  1. ; This routine is passed the file number of the file to look through.
  1. ;
  1. ; Input Varables
  1. ; MCFN = File number
  1. ;
  1. EN1(MCFN) ; Main Entry Point
  1. Q:MCFN<1
  1. S MCNAME=$$GET1^DID(MCFN,"","","NAME") ; Get Name of File
  1. S MCTXT(1)=""
  1. S MCTXT(2)="File: "_MCNAME_" ("_MCFN_")"
  1. S MCTXT(3)="Cross references for file "_MCNAME_" have been deleted."
  1. S MCTXT(4)=" Re-indexing file "_MCNAME_"..."
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(.MCTXT) ; Printing message to output device.
  1. K MCTXT
  1. S DIK="^MCAR("_MCFN_","
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL(" Complete...") ; Printing message to output device.
  1. Q