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Routine: MCUIMAG0

Package: Medicine

Routine: MCUIMAG0


MCUIMAG0 ;HCIOFO/DAD-Create / Update Med Procedure with Image Pointer ;7/23/97 07:36

Source Information

Source file <MCUIMAG0.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; *** Main driver to update Medicine files from Imaging ***
; MCDATE = Date/Time of procedure (FM internal format)
; MCPROCD0 = Pointer to the Procedure/Subspecialty file (#697.2)
; MCDFN = Pointer to the Patient file (#2)
; MCMAGPTR() = An array whose subscripts are pointers to the Image
; file (#2005) Returned as: MCMAGPTR(File 2005 IEN)=
; MCFILE ^ MCD0 ^ MCD1 (IEN of image in image mult)
; MCD0 = Pointer to one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; OK = A return flag: '1^Message' = All is well, '0^Message' = Bad news
; *** Create new Medicine patient (if needed) and procedure records ***
; MCDATE = Date/Time of procedure (FM internal format)
; MCDFN = Pointer to the Patient file (#2)
; MCFILE = File number of one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; MCPROCD0 = Pointer to the Procedure/Subspecialty file (#697.2)
; MCPATFLD = Field# in one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; that points to the Medical Patient file (#690)
; MCD0 = Pointer to one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; OK = A return flag: '1^Message' = All is well, '0^Message' = Bad news
; *** Store the Image file (#2005) pointers in Med Proc data files ***
; MCD0 = Pointer to one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; MCFILE = File number of one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; MCMAGPTR() = An array whose subscripts are pointers to the Image
; file (#2005) Returned as: MCMAGPTR(File 2005 IEN)=
; MCFILE ^ MCD0 ^ MCD1 (IEN of image in image mult)
; OK = A return flag: '1^Message' = All is well, '0^Message' = Bad news
; *** Make sure we have the right Medicine Procedure data file rec ***
; FILE = File number of one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; IEN = Pointer to one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; DFN = Pointer to the Patient file (#2)
; PRC = Pointer to the Procedure/Subspecialty file (#697.2)
; Returns
; '1^Message' = All is well, '0^Message' = Bad news
; *** Procedure/Subspecialty pointer field ***
; FILE = File number of one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; Returns
; The field# in one of the Medicine Procedure data files that points
; to the Procedure/Subspecialty file (#690) (Zero [0] if not found)
; *** Medical Patient pointer field ***
; FILE = File number of one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; Returns
; The field# in one of the Medicine Procedure data files that points
; to the Medical Patient file (#690) (Zero [0] if not found)
PRCSUBS ; *** Procedure/Subspecialty DIC("DR") builder ***
; *** Old Generalized Procedures module and other modules
; *** Test for valid procedure
; *** Return the procedure type ***
; *** Find a procedure ***
; MCENTRY = External name of the entry (697.2,.01)
; MCTYPE = Internal 'Procedure/Subspecialty' type (697.2,1001)
; Returns
; The IEN of the procedure or zero if not found.
; *** Remove an image from Image multiple ***
; MCFILE = A Medicine Procedure data file number
; MCD0 = Pointer to one of the Medicine Procedure data files
; MCD1 = Pointer to one of the entries in the in the Image multiple
; OK = A return flag: '1^Message' = All is well, '0^Message' = Bad news

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

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^MCAR(690 - [#690] Classic Fileman Calls
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