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Routine: OCXOZ01

Package: Order Entry Results Reporting

Routine: OCXOZ01


OCXOZ01 ;SLC/RJS,CLA - Order Check Scan ;OCT 30,2024 at 12:49

Source Information

Source file <OCXOZ01.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
LOG() ; Returns the number of days to keep the Raw Data Log or 0 if logging is disabled.
; External Call.
CDATA() ; Returns compiler flags, Execution TRACE ON/OFF, Time Logging ON/OFF, and Raw Data Logging ON/OFF
; External Call.
UPDATE(DFN,OCXSRC,OUTMSG) ; Main Entry point for evaluating Rules.
; External Call.
GETDF ;This subroutine loads the OCXDF data field array from variables in the environment.
; Called from UPDATE+9.
; Called from UPDATE+9.
; Called from UPDATE+24.
SCAN ; Tests all Rules for Event/Elements that were found to be valid in the UPDATE subroutine.
; Called from UPDATE+15.
; Internal Call.
DT2INT(OCXDT) ; This Local Extrinsic Function converts a date into an integer
; By taking the Years, Months, Days, Hours and Minutes converting
; Them into Seconds and then adding them all together into one big integer
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