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Routine: OCXOZ0Z

Package: Order Entry Results Reporting

Routine: OCXOZ0Z


OCXOZ0Z ;SLC/RJS,CLA - Order Check Scan ;JUL 1,2021 at 11:27

Source Information

Source file <OCXOZ0Z.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 1

Package Total Call Graph
Order Entry Results Reporting 1 R69R1B^OCXOZ10  

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 2

Package Total Caller Graph
Order Entry Results Reporting 2 OCXOZ0G  OCXOZ0H  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
R68R1A ; Verify all Event/Elements of Rule #68 'DANGEROUS MEDS OVER AGE 64' Relation #1 'MED ORDER FOR PT > 64 AND AMITRIPTYLINE'
; Called from EL122+5^OCXOZ0H, and EL125+5^OCXOZ0H.
R68R1B ; Send Order Check, Notication messages and/or Execute code for Rule #68 'DANGEROUS MEDS OVER AGE 64' Relation #1 'MED ORDER FOR PT > 64 AND AMITRIPTYLINE'
; Called from R68R1A+12.
R68R2A ; Verify all Event/Elements of Rule #68 'DANGEROUS MEDS OVER AGE 64' Relation #2 'MED ORDER FOR PT > 64 AND CHLORPROPAMIDE'
; Called from EL125+6^OCXOZ0H, and EL123+5^OCXOZ0H.
R68R2B ; Send Order Check, Notication messages and/or Execute code for Rule #68 'DANGEROUS MEDS OVER AGE 64' Relation #2 'MED ORDER FOR PT > 64 AND CHLORPROPAMIDE'
; Called from R68R2A+12.
R68R3A ; Verify all Event/Elements of Rule #68 'DANGEROUS MEDS OVER AGE 64' Relation #3 'MED ORDER FOR PT > 64 AND DIPYRIDAMOLE'
; Called from EL125+7^OCXOZ0H, and EL124+5^OCXOZ0H.
R68R3B ; Send Order Check, Notication messages and/or Execute code for Rule #68 'DANGEROUS MEDS OVER AGE 64' Relation #3 'MED ORDER FOR PT > 64 AND DIPYRIDAMOLE'
; Called from R68R3A+12.
R69R1A ; Verify all Event/Elements of Rule #69 'LAB THRESHOLD' Relation #1 'IF HL7 LAB RESULTS AND (GREATER THAN THRESHOLD VAL...'
; Called from EL5+7^OCXOZ0G, and EL131+5^OCXOZ0H, and EL132+5^OCXOZ0H.
GETDATA(DFN,OCXL,OCXDFI) ; This Local Extrinsic Function returns runtime data
MCE122() ; Verify Event/Element: AMITRIPTYLINE ORDER
MCE123() ; Verify Event/Element: CHLORPROPAMIDE ORDER
MCE124() ; Verify Event/Element: DIPYRIDAMOLE ORDER
MCE125() ; Verify Event/Element: MED ORDER FOR PT > 64
MCE131() ; Verify Event/Element: GREATER THAN LAB THRESHOLD
MCE132() ; Verify Event/Element: LESS THAN LAB THRESHOLD
MCE5() ; Verify Event/Element: HL7 FINAL LAB RESULT

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
R69R1B^OCXOZ10 R69R1A+13, R69R1A+14

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^OCXS(860.2 - [#860.2] R68R1A+9, R68R2A+9, R68R3A+9, R69R1A+10
^TMP("OCXCHK" GETDATA+3, MCE122+6, MCE123+6, MCE124+6, MCE125+6, MCE131+5, MCE132+5, MCE5+5

Label References

Name Line Occurrences
$$GETDATA R68R1B+11, R68R1B+12, R68R2B+11, R68R2B+12, R68R3B+11, R68R3B+12
$$MCE122 R68R1A+12
$$MCE123 R68R2A+12
$$MCE124 R68R3A+12
$$MCE125 R68R1A+11, R68R2A+11, R68R3A+11
$$MCE131 R69R1A+13
$$MCE132 R69R1A+14
$$MCE5 R69R1A+12
R68R1B R68R1A+12
R68R2B R68R2A+12
R68R3B R68R3A+12

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
DFN R68R1B+11, R68R1B+12, R68R2B+11, R68R2B+12, R68R3B+11, R68R3B+12, GETDATA~, GETDATA+3, MCE122+5, MCE123+5
, MCE124+5, MCE125+5
OCXCMSG R68R1B+10~, R68R1B+11*, R68R1B+12*, R68R1B+19, R68R2B+10~, R68R2B+11*, R68R2B+12*, R68R2B+19, R68R3B+10~, R68R3B+11*
R68R3B+12*, R68R3B+19
OCXDATA R68R1B+10~, R68R2B+10~, R68R3B+10~
>> OCXDF(37 MCE122+5*, MCE122+6, MCE123+5*, MCE123+6, MCE124+5*, MCE124+6, MCE125+5*, MCE125+6, MCE131+4, MCE131+5
, MCE132+4, MCE132+5, MCE5+4, MCE5+5
OCXDUZ R68R1B+10~, R68R2B+10~, R68R3B+10~
OCXFORD R68R1B+10~, R68R2B+10~, R68R3B+10~
OCXLOGD R68R1B+10~, R68R2B+10~, R68R3B+10~
OCXLOGS R68R1B+10~, R68R2B+10~, R68R3B+10~
OCXNMSG R68R1B+10~, R68R1B+13*, R68R2B+10~, R68R2B+13*, R68R3B+10~, R68R3B+13*
OCXNUM R68R1B+10~, R68R2B+10~, R68R3B+10~
>> OCXOCMSG( R68R1B+19*, R68R2B+19*, R68R3B+19*
>> OCXOCMSG(999999 R68R1B+19, R68R2B+19, R68R3B+19
>> OCXOERR R68R1A+3, R68R1B+3, R68R1B+15, R68R2A+3, R68R2B+3, R68R2B+15, R68R3A+3, R68R3B+3, R68R3B+15, R69R1A+3
>> OCXOSRC R68R1B+11, R68R2B+11, R68R3B+11
OCXPORD R68R1B+10~, R68R2B+10~, R68R3B+10~
>> OCXPSD R68R1B+11, R68R2B+11, R68R3B+11
OCXQUIT R68R1B+10~, R68R2B+10~, R68R3B+10~
OCXRES MCE122+4~, MCE123+4~, MCE124+4~, MCE125+4~, MCE131+3~, MCE132+3~, MCE5+3~
OCXRES(122 MCE122+5*
OCXRES(123 MCE123+5*
OCXRES(124 MCE124+5*
OCXRES(125 MCE125+5*
OCXRES(131 MCE131+4*
OCXRES(132 MCE132+4*
>> OCXRULE("R68R1B" R68R1B+8
>> OCXRULE("R68R2B" R68R2B+8
>> OCXRULE("R68R3B" R68R3B+8
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