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Routine: ONCOENA


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  1. ;;2.2;ONCOLOGY;**1**;Jul 31, 2013;Build 8
  1. ;
  1. ; 8/12/94 MLH ADDED this routine to bring ONCOENV into
  1. ; compliance with SACC limit of 5000 bytes
  1. ;
  1. QNORSTG ; does user want to proceed w/o restaging?
  1. W !!,"No restaging will be performed.",!
  1. I 'OFST D ; on non-virgin install, make sure they want to skip restaging
  1. . N DIR,Y
  1. . S DIR("A")="Proceed with initialization",DIR(0)="Y"
  1. . S DIR("?",1)="If you enter Y here, initialization will proceed without restaging."
  1. . S DIR("?",2)=" "
  1. . S DIR("?",3)="If you enter N here, initialization will cease. You may D ^ONCOINIT"
  1. . S DIR("?",4)="to restart initialization at any time.",DIR("?")=" "
  1. . D ^DIR
  1. . I 'Y K DIFQ W !!,"Initialization aborted.",!!
  1. . Q
  1. ;END IF
  1. ;
  1. Q