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Routine: ONCOPA2


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  1. ONCOPA2 ;HINES OIFO/GWB - [PA Print Complete Abstract (132c)] cont ;10/05/11
  1. ;;2.2;ONCOLOGY;**1,5,10,12,13,15,20**;Jul 31, 2013;Build 5
  1. ;
  1. N TX
  1. W !!,TITLE
  1. W ! D P Q:EX=U
  1. W:DATEDX<3210000 !," Neoadjuvant therapy: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,245,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. I DATEDX>3201231 D
  1. .W !!," Neoadjuvant therapy (2021): ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,245.1,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Neoadjuvant therapy-Clin Resp: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,245.2,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Neoadjuvant therapy-TX Effect: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,245.3,"E") S NEOXVAL=ONCAB(165.5,IEN,245.3,"E") D NEODSP^ONCOEOD1 K NEOXVAL D P Q:EX=U
  1. W ! D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Surgical Dx/Staging Proc: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,58.1) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Surgical Dx/Staging Proc Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,58.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Surg Dx/Staging Proc @Fac: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,58.4) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Surg Dx/Staging Proc @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,58.5) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W ! D P Q:EX=U
  1. W:DATEDX>3091231 !," Treatment Status: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,235,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Date of no treatment: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,124) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W ! D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Date First Surgical Procedure: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,170) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," RX Summ--Surg Primsite 03-2022: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,58.6) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," RX Summ--Surg Prim Site 2023: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,58.9) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Most Definitive Surg Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,50) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," RX Hosp--Surg Primsite 03-2022: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,58.7) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," RX Hosp--Surg Prim Site 2023: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,58.8) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Most Definitive Surg @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,50.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W:DATEDX>3091231 !," RX Hosp--Surg App 2010: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,234,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Surgical Margins: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,59) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Scope of LN Surgery (F): ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,138.4) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Scope of LN Surgery Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,138.2) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Scope of LN Surgery @Fac (F): ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,138.5) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Scope of LN Surgery @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,138.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Surg Proc/Other Site (F): ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,139.4) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Surg Proc/Other Site Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,139.2) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Surg Proc/Other Site @Fac (F): ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,139.5) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Surg Proc/Other Site @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,139.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W:DATEDX<3030000 !," Reconstruction/Restoration: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,23) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Date of Surgical Discharge: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,435) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Readmission w/i 30 Days/Surg: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,14) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W ! D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Reason No Surgery of Primary: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,58) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !!," RX Text-Surgery: " F TX=0:0 S TX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,IEN,14,TX)) Q:TX'>0 W !?6,^ONCO(165.5,IEN,14,TX,0) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," CAP Protocol Review: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,46,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W:ONCAB(165.5,IEN,46,"I")=0 !," CAP Text: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,47,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Tx Guidelines Discussion: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,281,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Treatment Guideline #1: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,228,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Treatment Guideline #2: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,229,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Treatment Guideline #3: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,230,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Treatment Guideline Location: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,231,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Treatment Guideline Doc Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,232,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W ! D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Radiation: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,51.2) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Date Radiation Started: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,51) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Location of Radiation Tx: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,126) D P Q:EX=U
  1. I DATEDX<3180101 D
  1. .W !," Radiation treatment volume...: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,125) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Regional treatment modality..: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,363) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Regional dose:cGy............: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,442) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Boost treatment modality.....: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,363.1) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Boost dose:cGy...............: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,443) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Number of txs to this volume.: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,56) D P Q:EX=U
  1. I DATEDX>3171231 D
  1. .W !," Phase I rad treatment volume...........: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5504) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase I rad to draining lymph nodes....: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5505) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase I treatment modality.............: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5506) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase I rad external beam planning.....: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5502) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase I dose per fraction..............: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5501) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase I number of fractions............: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5503) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase I total dose.....................: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5507) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase II rad treatment volume..........: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5514) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase II rad to draining lymph nodes...: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5515) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase II treatment modality............: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5516) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase II rad external beam planning....: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5512) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase II dose per fraction.............: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5511) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase II number of fractions...........: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5513) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase II total dose....................: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5517) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase III rad treatment volume.........: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5524) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase III rad to draining lymph nodes..: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5525) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase III treatment modality...........: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5526) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase III rad external beam planning...: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5522) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase III dose per fraction............: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5521) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase III number of fractions..........: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5523) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Phase III total dose...................: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,5527) D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Number of phases rad TX................: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,7024,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Radiation treatment discontinued early.: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,7025,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. .W !," Total dose.............................: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,7026,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Date Radiation Ended: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,361) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Radiation @Fac: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,51.4) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Radiation @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,51.5) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Radiation/Surgery Sequence: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,51.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Reason for No Radiation: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,75) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !!," RX Text-Radiation (Beam): " F TX=0:0 S TX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,IEN,15,TX)) Q:TX'>0 W !?6,^ONCO(165.5,IEN,15,TX,0) D P Q:EX=U
  1. ;W !," RX Text-Radiation Other: " F TX=0:0 S TX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,IEN,16,TX)) Q:TX'>0 W !?6,^ONCO(165.5,IEN,16,TX,0) D P Q:EX=U
  1. CHEM W !!," Chemotherapy: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,53.2) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Chemotherapy Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,53) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Chemotherapy @Fac: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,53.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Chemotherapy @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,53.4) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Chemotherapeutic Agent #1: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,1423,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Chemotherapeutic Agent #2: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,1423.1,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Chemotherapeutic Agent #3: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,1423.2,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Chemotherapeutic Agent #4: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,1423.3,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Chemotherapeutic Agent #5: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,1423.4,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," RX Text-Chemo: " F TX=0:0 S TX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,IEN,17,TX)) Q:TX'>0 W !?6,^ONCO(165.5,IEN,17,TX,0) D P Q:EX=U
  1. HT W !!," Hormone Therapy: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,54.2) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Hormone Therapy Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,54) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Hormone Therapy @Fac: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,54.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Hormone Therapy @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,54.4) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," RX Text-Hormone: " F TX=0:0 S TX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,IEN,18,TX)) Q:TX'>0 W !?6,^ONCO(165.5,IEN,18,TX,0) D P Q:EX=U
  1. IMM W !!," Immunotherapy: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,55.2) D P Q:EX=U
  1. I $P($G(^ONCO(165.5,IEN,3)),U,19)=0 G OTH
  1. W !," Immunotherapy Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,55) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Immunotherapy @Fac: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,55.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Immunotherapy @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,55.4) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," RX Text-BRM: " F TX=0:0 S TX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,IEN,20,TX)) Q:TX'>0 W !?6,^ONCO(165.5,IEN,20,TX,0) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Hema Trans/Endocrine Proc: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,153) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Hema Trans/Endocrine Proc Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,153.1) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Hema Trans/Endocrine Proc @Fac: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,153.2) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Hema Trans/Endocrine Proc @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,153.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W ! D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Systemic/Surgery Sequence: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,15) D P Q:EX=U
  1. OTH W !!," Other Treatment: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,57.2) D P Q:EX=U
  1. I $P($G(^ONCO(165.5,IEN,3)),U,25)=0 G PES
  1. W !," Other Treatment Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,57) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Other Treatment @Fac: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,57.3) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Other Treatment @Fac Date: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,57.4) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," RX Text-Other: " F TX=0:0 S TX=$O(^ONCO(165.5,IEN,21,TX)) Q:TX'>0 W !?6,^ONCO(165.5,IEN,21,TX,0) D P Q:EX=U
  1. PES W !," Palliative Care: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,12) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Palliative Care @Fac: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,13) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Clinical Trials Discussion: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,279,"E") D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Protocol Eligibility Status: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,346) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Protocol Participation: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,560) D P Q:EX=U
  1. W !," Year Put on Protocol: ",ONCAB(165.5,IEN,133) D P Q:EX=U
  1. ;
  1. I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Enter RETURN to continue with this abstract" D ^DIR Q:'Y D HDR G PA2A
  1. D P Q:EX=U
  1. Q
  1. P ;
  1. I ($Y'<(LINE-1)) D Q:EX=U W !
  1. .I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-" W ! K DIR S DIR(0)="E",DIR("A")="Enter RETURN to continue with this abstract" D ^DIR I 'Y S EX=U Q
  1. .D HDR Q
  1. Q
  1. HDR ; Header
  1. W @IOF S PG=PG+1
  1. W CRA,!
  1. W ?5," Patient Name: ",PATNAME,?84,"SSN: ",SSAN,!
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. CLEANUP ;Cleanup