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  1. ;;2.2;ONCOLOGY;**1**;Jul 31, 2013;Build 8
  1. ;These entry points perform miscellaneous input functions:
  1. ;GETFILE get a FileMan file
  1. ;GETYES get a yes/no response
  1. ;GETTEMPL get a search template
  1. ;
  1. GETFILE ;lookup file, get file number & global reference
  1. ;in: ONCOS("F")=file name
  1. ;out: ONCOS("FI")=file number^file name^global reference OR Y=-1
  1. N DIC
  1. S X=$S($D(ONCOS("F")):ONCOS("F"),1:""),DIC="^DIC(",DIC(0)=$S(X="":"AEQ",1:"EQ") D ^DIC Q:Y<0 S GBL=^DIC(+Y,0,"GL"),FNUM=+Y,ONCOS("FI")=Y_GBL W !,"FILE: ",X Q
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. GETTEMPL ;get a search template
  1. ;in: FNUM,ONCOS,^DIBT
  1. ;out: Y
  1. N D,DIC,DIR
  1. I $D(ONCOS("T")) S Y=ONCOS("T") Q:Y="ALL" I $D(^DIBT("F"_FNUM,Y)) S X=$O(^(Y,"")) I X]"" W !,"SEARCH TEMPLATE: ",Y S Y=X_U_Y Q
  1. ;S Y="Use a SEARCH TEMPLATE? Yes// ",Z="Use a SEARCH TEMPLATE to restrict cases"
  1. ASK W ! S DIR("A")=" Restrict cases with a SEARCH TEMPLATE",DIR("B")="Yes",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("??")="^D HP1^ONCOSINP" D ^DIR G GT2:$G(Y)=0 S Y=$S(Y["^":-1,Y="":0,1:1) Q:Y'>0 G GT2:Y=2
  1. Z S D="F"_FNUM,DIC="^DIBT(",DIC(0)="AEQ",DIC("A")=" Select SEARCH TEMPLATE: " D ^DIC S Y=$S(Y="^":0,Y="":0,Y=-1:0,1:Y) Q:'Y S N=+Y
  1. X ;D GETYES E Q:Y=-1 G GT2
  1. I '$D(^DIBT(N,"DIS")) W !,"Sorry, ",$P(Y,U,2)," must be a SEARCH template" G GT1
  1. I '$D(^DIBT(N,1)) W !!,?10,$P(Y,U,2)_" does not have stored entries",!?10,"you must run FM Search Option for this template.",!! G GT1
  1. W !!?10,"REMINDER: Run Define Search Criteria Option"
  1. W !,?10,"to be sure selected entries are up-to-date!!",!
  1. ;S DIR("A")="Continue",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="Yes" D ^DIR W ! S Y=$S(Y=1:1,1:0)
  1. ;Line above caused program to quit with NO DEATHS
  1. Q
  1. Q
  1. GT2 W ! S Y="Really use ALL cases (this may take some time)? No// ",Z=""
  1. E G:Y'=-1 ASK
  1. Q
  1. HP1 W !!?10,"Using a Search Template will restrict cases.",!
  1. W ?10,"It will act as a filter using only those cases",!
  1. W ?10,"that fit the criteria you have selected."
  1. W W !!,?10,"YOU MUST have FIRST GENERATED the Search Template using the",!?10,"DS Option to create the necessary 'TRUE' entries!",!!
  1. Q
  1. GT1 S D="F"_FNUM D IX^DIC G GT2:$P(Y,U,2)="ALL" Q:Y=-1 Q:$O(^DIBT(+Y,1,""))]""
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. GETYES ;get a yes/no response
  1. ;in: Y = prompt (including default e.g. Yes//)
  1. ; Z = undefined if specific help handled by calling module
  1. ; '="" for single line help
  1. ;out: X = actual entry
  1. ; $T = true if yes
  1. ; Y = -1 for ^
  1. W !,Y R X:DTIME E S X="^"
  1. I X'[U
  1. E S Y=-1 Q
  1. I X="" S X=$F(Y,"//"),X=$S(X>3:$E(Y,X-5,X-3),1:"?")
  1. I '(X["Y"!(X["y")!(X["N")!(X["n")) W *7 S X="?"
  1. I X["?" W !,"Enter 'y' or 'n' or '^' to abort." Q:'$D(Z) W:Z'="" !,Z G GETYES
  1. I X["Y"!(X["y") W " (Yes)"
  1. E W " (No)"
  1. Q