ORCMEDT8 ;SLC/JM-QO, Generate quick order CRC ;Oct 20, 2021@13:26:11
Source file <ORCMEDT8.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
UPDQNAME(ORIEN) | ; Rename personal quick order name if needed
ENSURNEW(NAME) | ; Ensures the name is a new entry
RAWCRC(ORIEN) | ; Get a raw CRC value to determine if a record has changed
RWQ | ||
CRC4QCK(ORIEN) | ; Get CRC for a personal quick order
EXT | ||
PARSE | ; Parse Data
SORTDATA | ; Sorts data by fields according to FormID
HASCODE(CODE) | ; scans data for code
SUBID | ; SubID codes are used to change the form ID depending on depending on data
; Data below is FormID;SubID.list of ID codes in order of use ; SubID's are used to change the FormID depending on data values. |
SUBID01 | ; Generic Meds dialog
SUBID02 | ; IV Meds
SUBID03 | ; Delphi code adds URGENCY prompt that does not exist in dialog on M side
SUBID04 | ; Blood Bank will probably be wrong - quick orders not working in v26
SUBID05 | ; Diet
FORMTBL | ; Form Table - Forms allowing personal quick orders, as of CPRS GUI v26 (OR*3*215)
IDTABLE | ; ID table - returns codes used in the form table IDINFO("LONGNAME")=SHORNAME
FileNo | Call Tags |
^ORD(101.41 - [#101.41] | Classic Fileman Calls |