ORWDBA10 ; SLC/GDU - Billing Awareness - Phase I [11/24/04 13:42]
Source file <ORWDBA10.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(CIDC) | ;Entry point for this program
EXIT | ;Exit point of this routine
SCRHDR | ;Screen Header
SH | ;;Enable Clinical Indicator Data Capture By Provider Parameter Management
SHE | ;;Enable Parameter For All Active Providers Option
SHD | ;;Disable Parameter For All Active Providers Option
OY | ;;YES:Enter YES to begin process to
ON | ;;NO:Enter NO to cancel process to
OYE | ;; enable CIDC
ONE | ;; enable CIDC and quit
OYD | ;; disable CIDC
OND | ;; disable CIDC and quit
A1 | ;;active providers do not have this parameter assigned to them.
A2E | ;;You have selected to enable Clinical Indictor Data Capture
A2D | ;;You have selected to disable Clinical Indicator Data Capture
A3 | ;;for all active providers. This may take some time.
A4 | ;;Are you sure you want to do this? (YES/NO - must be all cap)
HY | ;;Enter YES to begin the
HN | ;;Enter No or '^' to cancel the
HYE | ;; enable CIDC process.
HNE | ;; enable CIDC process and quit.
HYD | ;; disable CIDC process.
HND | ;; disable CIDC process and quit.
EP | ;;Now enabling CIDC functionality.
EC | ;;CIDC parameter functionality enabling complete.
DP | ;;Now disabling CIDC functionality.
DC | ;;CIDC parameter functionality disabling complete.
CP | ;;Process cancelled!
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^VA(200 - [#200] | GET1^DIQ |