ORWDBA18 ; SLC/GDU - Billing Awareness - Phase I [10/18/04 10:30]
Source file <ORWDBA18.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
SETUP | ;Run temp global kill, build assigned list, build unassigned list
KTG | ;Kill the temp globals used by this program
LISTA | ;Build a list of providers with the parameter already assigned to them.
LISTU | ;Build a list of providers who have not been assigned the parameter
ALERT | ;Alert the user, all providers have been assigned the parameter
DISPRV | ;Displays the providers in the unassigned list for user selection
DPO | ;Display process starts here
CONMAS | ;Confirm the mass assignment of the parameter
MASASN | ;Mass Assignment of the parameter
SCRHDR | ;Screen Header
ALLPA | ;;All providers have been assigned the parameter.
SH | ;;Enable Clinical Indicator Data Capture By Provider Parameter Management
SHA | ;;Assign Parameter To Provider Option
SHAE | ;;Assign/Enable Parameter For All Providers Option
SHAD | ;;Assign/Disable Parameter For All Providers Option
SHAI | ;;Assign and Enable/Disable Parameter By Individual Provider Option
MMPA | ;;All providers have the Enable CIDC By User parameter assigned.
DH | ;;Select the provider who the parameter will be assigned to.
DHN | ;;Enter N to get the next 10 providers in the list.
DHP | ;;Enter P to get the previous 10 providers in the list.
DHQ | ;;Enter Q to quit and return to previous menu.
D0N | ;;N:Next 10 providers
D0P | ;;P:Previous 10 providers
D0Q | ;;Q:Quit
DA | ;;Select the provider to assign the parameter
MEP | ;;Now assigning and enabling the Clinical Indicatr Data Capture parameter
MEC | ;;Assignment and enable Clinical Indicator Data Capture complete
MDP | ;;Now assigning and disabling the Clinical Indicator Data Capture parameter
MDC | ;;Assignment and disable Clinical Indicator Data Capture complete
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^VA(200 - [#200] | GET1^DIQ |