ORWDBA6 ; SLC/GDU - Clinical Indicator Data Capture - Phase I [10/12/04 15:40]
Source file <ORWDBA6.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
MAIN | ;Main starting point for this program
SH | ;;Enable Clinical Indicator Data Capture By Provider Parameter Management
SH0 | ;;Select Parameter Management Option
B0A | ;;M:Manage parameter by provider
B0E | ;;E:Enable parameter for all providers
B0D | ;;D:Disable parameter for all providers
B0L | ;;L:List providers with the assigned parameter
BA | ;;Select Enable CIDC By Provider parameter option
BHA | ;;Enter M to manage the Enable CIDC By Provider parameter by provider.
BHE | ;;Enter E to enable the parameter for all providers
BHD | ;;Enter D to disable the parameter for all providers
BHL | ;;Enter L to get a list of providers with the parameter and its value.
CHKINS | ;Check Install
PLF | ;;Package Lookup Failure, Error Code:
NRF | ;;No record found in INSTALL file for PX CLINICAL INDICATOR DATA CAPTURE 1.0
MSD | ;;CIDC Master Switch is disabled.
MH | ;;ALERT!|Please note the following errors.
MF1 | ;;The above error(s) will need to be resolved before the CIDC functionality will
MF2 | ;;work. You can still assign the Enable CIDC parameter to providers.
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^XPD(9.7 - [#9.7] | FIND^DIC |