ORWDBA7 ;SLC/GSS Billing Awareness (CIDC-Clinical Indicators Data Capture) ;12/04/12 11:13
Source file <ORWDBA7.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
BDOEDIT | ; Backdoor entered orders edit in CPRS - entry point
; Data Flow> Ancillary creates a back door order which is incomplete ; and thus edited in CPRS GUI. The ancillary needs to know ; what Dx and TF's are edited thus this tag calls three ; ancillary APIs, passing the Dx and TF data to them. |
OUTPUT | ; Call ancillary's API to store data after checking for it's existence
CKROUTAG(TAGROU) | ;Check if valid tag and routine
; Temporary check until all the ancillaries have their API's built |
TFGBLTBL(GBL) | ;Convert Tx Factors from Global to TBL (HL7) order & format
; Note: this does not set Tx Factors in ZCL segment format but rather ; AO^IR^SC^EC^MST^HNC^CV^SHD ('^' delimited string) format |
VAR | ;Create VAR array for tracking error in ^ORYX("ORERR",err#)
ISWITCH(Y,DFN) | ;Return 0 if don't ask (no ins) or 1 to ask CIDC quest (yes ins)
GETIEN9(Y,ICD9) | ;Return IEN for an ICD9 code (RPC: ORWDBA7 GETIEN9)
CONDTLD | ;Consult Detailed Display Compile for CIDC/BA (called by GMRCSLM2)
; Input: ORIFN and GMRCCT defined in GMRCSLM2 ; Output: CIDCARY = array of CIDC display lines for GMRCSLM2 display |
RPC Name | Call Tags |