ORWDBA8 ; SLC/GDU - Billing Awareness - Phase I [11/16/04 15:39]
Source file <ORWDBA8.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ;Starting point of this program
EXIT | ;Exit point for this program
FT0 | ;;FO^1:40
FA | ;;Select the provider to manage the parameter
FH1 | ;;Enter the name/partial name of the provider.
FH2 | ;;This is free text, 1 to 40 characters in length.
FH3 | ;;This search will only return those with the PROVIDER key.
UAA1 | ;;Found no provider records matching the search criteria of
UAA2 | ;;is a provider who has been DISUSERED.
UAA3 | ;;is an inactive provider with a termination date of
UAA4 | ;;Found no active provider records matching the search criteria of
UAA5 | ;;Hit enter to continue or "^" to quit
SPFL | ;Select Provider From List
D0N | ;;N:Next | provider(s)
D0P | ;;P:Previous 10 providers
DH | ;;Select the provider for parameter management.
DHN | ;;Enter N to get the next | providers.
DHP | ;;Enter P to get the previous 10 providers.
DHS | ;;Enter "^" to exit or the Enter key to return to provider lookup.
DA | ;;Select the provider to assign the parameter
PSP | ;Process Selected Provider
ASH1 | ;;Assign CIDC Functionality Parameter to
ASH2 | ;;Enable / Disable CIDC Functionality
AE | ;;E:Enable CIDC functionality
AD | ;;D:Disable CIDC functionality
AA | ;;Assign the parameter and enable / disable CIDC functionality
AHE | ;;Enter E to assign the parameter and enable CIDC for this provider.
AHD | ;;Enter D to assign the parameter and disable CIDC for this provider
ESH | ;;Edit Assigned CIDC Functionality Parameter of
EESH | ;;CIDC Functionality for this provider is currently DISABLED
EDSH | ;;CIDC Functionality for this provider is currently ENABLED
EEA | ;;Enable CIDC Functionality (YES/NO)
EDA | ;;Disable CIDC Functionality (YES/NO)
EHEY | ;;Enter YES to ENABLE CIDC Functionality
EHDY | ;;Enter YES to DISABLE CIDC Functionality
EHN | ;;Enter NO to leave CIDC Functionality unchanged
SCRHDR | ;Screen Header
SH1 | ;;Clinical Indicator Data Capture By Provider Parameter Management
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^VA(200 - [#200] | FIND^DIC |