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Routine: ORY138

Package: Order Entry Results Reporting

Routine: ORY138


ORY138 ;SLC/DAN ;3/14/02 15:31

Source Information

Source file <ORY138.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
DQ ;Enter here for queued task
FIXES ;This section will add missing AE Xrefs from active orders
FIXPPDG ;This section will fix incorrect package pointer and display group problems.
GETIEN(STDT) ;Find first IEN associated with given start date
MAIL ;Send results of cleanup in a mail message to initiator
INSTDT(PATCH) ;Returns installation date patch first installed at site
ADM(IEN,ENTERED) ;Determine if patient was inpatient when order was entered
PTNM(IEN) ;Return pt name or -1 if unable to determine
XREF(IEN,DG,NDG) ;Update xrefs for TO field
CHKACT ;Compares current action field with actual current action and updates if necessary
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