ORY608 ;SLC/JLC - PRE/POST INSTALL OR*3.0*608 ;May 21, 2024@14:09:12
Source file <ORY608.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
POST | ;
RPT | ;Update ORCV VITALS report
SETPARAMS | ; Set package level settings of exported parameters
SENDDLG(ANAME) | ;Return true if the current order dialog should be sent
DLGBULL | ;Send bulletin about modified dialogs
DDCIDQO | ;search for QOs
GETVALS | ; get date values for report display
PAD(X,WIDTH,CHAR) | ; -- returns X padded with CHAR to total WIDTH
REPORT | ; show data
CONS | ; consult
RAD | ; radiology
FileNo | Call Tags |
^XWB(8994 - [#8994] | FIND1^DIC |