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Routine: PRCAGST2


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  1. PRCAGST2 ;WASH/ISC@ALTOONA,PA/CMS - Print Patient Statement Summary ;4/19/95 11:07 AM
  1. V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**2,176,405**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 9
  1. ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
  1. SUM ;statement summary called from PRCAGST1
  1. NEW I,Y,RCNT ;PRCA*4.5*405
  1. W !,"|",?12,"|",?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. W !,"|",?12,"|",?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. W !,"|",?12,"|",?14,"Previous Balance",?32,$J(PBAL,15,2),?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. W !,"|",?12,"|",?14,"Charges",?32,$J(TBAL("CH"),15,2),?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. W !,"|",?12,"|",?14,"Payments/Credits",?32,$J(TBAL("PC"),15,2),?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. I TBAL("RF")'=0 W !,"|",?12,"|",?14,"Refunds",?32,$J(TBAL("RF"),15,2),?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. W !,"|",?12,"|",?32,"_______________",?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. W !,"|",?12,"|",?14,"New Balance",?32,$J((PBAL+TBAL("CH")+TBAL("PC")+TBAL("RF")),15,2),?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. S RCNT=$Y ;PRCA*4.5*405 + next line
  1. F Q:$Y>(IOSL-4)!($Y>RCNT+4) W !,"|",?12,"|",?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. I $D(THNK) W !,"|",?12,"|","THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAYMENT!",?58,"|",?67,"|",?79,"|"
  1. W !,"|" F I=12,46,9,12 S Y="",$P(Y,"_",I)="" W Y,"|"
  1. Q