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Routine: PRCS0A


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  1. V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**23**;Oct 20, 2000
  1. ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
  1. QUIT ;invalid entry
  1. ;
  1. ;PRCA data ^1=station #,^2=fcp #,^3=rb fy (4-digit), ^4=rb qtr
  1. ;PRCB=amount entered
  1. ;PRCC=1 if obligated, 2 if committed amount
  1. ;Z=0 if allowed, 1 if st/fcp swich fail, 2 if rollover fail
  1. OVCOM(PRCA,PRCB,PRCC) ;EF over commit switch and rollover check for commited/obligated amount entered
  1. N A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,Z
  1. I PRCB'>0 QUIT 0
  1. ; Patch 5.1*23 ; comment out the statement that skip rest of the check
  1. ; when dealing with 4th quarter 1358 in new Fiscal year.
  1. ; (Overcommit check is not working on prior 4th quarter 1358 only.)
  1. ;I $P($$DATE^PRC0C($P(^PRC(420,+PRCA,0),"^",9),"I"),"^",1,2)]$P(PRCA,"^",3,4) QUIT 0
  1. S Z=1 S:$G(PRCC)="" PRCC=2
  1. S A=$P($$DATE^PRC0C("T","E"),"^",1,2)
  1. S B=$P(PRCA,"^",3,4) ;S B=$$QTRDATE^PRC0D($P(PRCA,"^",3),$P(PRCA,"^",4)),B=$P(B,"^",1,2)
  1. S C=$P($G(^PRC(420,+PRCA,0)),"^",2) S:C=4 C=$P($G(^PRC(420,+PRCA,1,+$P(PRCA,"^",2),0)),"^",13)
  1. S D=$P($G(^PRC(420,+PRCA,0)),"^",8)
  1. S:D-2 D=$P($G(^PRC(420,+PRCA,1,+$P(PRCA,"^",2),0)),"^",20)
  1. S E=$$FCPBAL^PRC0D(+PRCA,+$P(PRCA,"^",2),$E(B,3,4),PRCC)
  1. S F=$P(PRCA,"^",4)
  1. ;S:PRCB'>$P(E,"^",F)!(C=5)!(B<A) Z=0
  1. S:PRCB'>$P(E,"^",F)!(C=5) Z=0
  1. I Z,C=1 S:A=B Z=0 I 1
  1. E I Z,C=2 S:B]A Z=0 I 1
  1. E I Z,C=3 S:A']B Z=0
  1. I Z,D=2 D
  1. . S Z=2,G="" F H=$P(B,"^",2):-1:1 S G=G+$P(E,"^",H)
  1. . S:PRCB'>G Z=0
  1. . QUIT
  1. QUIT Z
  1. ;