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Routine: PRSAES


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  1. PRSAES ; HISC/REL-Electronic Signature ;3/20/92 15:54
  1. ;;4.0;PAID;**100**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 3
  1. ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
  1. S ES=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,20)),"^",4),ESNAM=$P($G(^(20)),"^",2),ESCNT=0
  1. I ES="" W !!,"No electronic signature on file!" G E2
  1. I ESNAM="" W !!,"No electronic signature block on file!" G E2
  1. E1 W !!,"Enter Signature Code: " X ^%ZOSF("EOFF") R X:60 X ^%ZOSF("EON") S:'$T X="^" I X=""!(X="^") G E2
  1. I X="?"!(X="??") W !,"Enter your Electronic Signature code to verify this action." G E1
  1. S ESCNT=ESCNT+1 D HASH^XUSHSHP I ES'=X W " ??",*7 S X="" G E1:ESCNT<3,E2
  1. W " ... signed." S ESOK=1 K X,ES,ESCNT Q
  1. E2 S ESOK=0 W *7," ... Not Signed." K X,ES,ESCNT Q