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Routine: PRSATE0

Package: PAID

Routine: PRSATE0


PRSATE0 ;WCIOFO/PLT - Data Validate for Edit Variable Tours ;7/18/08 14:37

Source Information

Source file <PRSATE0.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
S1 ; Set Tour if necessary
VS ; Validate tour segments
VAL ; Validate Tour
PRSDAY ;update prsday with new data (like codes in label set of prsate)
NAWS1 ;;Warning: There are not three 12 hour tours in week 1 and/or week 2 for this AWS 36/40 Nurse
NAWS2 ;;Warning: Hours in week 1 and/or week 2 are not 36 for this AWS 36/40 Nurse.
NAWS3 ;;Warning: Tour overlaps two administrative work weeks for this 36/40 Nurse.
TWE(A,B,C,D) ;ef=^1-emp 450 tw indicator, ^2=emp eligible code, ^3-emp pp 458 tw
; ^4 emp pp eliglble code, ^5-daily tw tour
TWP(A,B) ;ef=^1-telework code, ^2-eligible code, ^3-description
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