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Routine: PRSXP113


Go to the documentation of this file.
  1. ;;4.0;PAID;**113**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 3
  1. ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
  1. ;
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. START ; Declare 01/02/2007 as a memorial day for President Ford's Funeral
  1. ;
  1. W !!,"Checking PP 06-26",!
  1. S PPI=$O(^PRST(458,"B","06-26",0))
  1. I 'PPI D Q
  1. . W !,"Pay Period 06-26 not found in File 458."
  1. S HOL(3070102)=10 ; Set 01/02 into HOL array
  1. D NOW^%DTC S NOW=%
  1. S DFN=0
  1. F S DFN=$O(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN)) Q:DFN'>0 D
  1. . S TT="HX",DUP=0
  1. . D E^PRSAPPH
  1. ;
  1. ; Quit if PP 07-01 is not opened. The Open Next Pay Period option
  1. ; will automatically post their holiday.
  1. ;
  1. PP01 I '$D(^PRST(458,"B","07-01")) D Q
  1. . W !,"PP 07-01 has not been opened yet. Holiday In Lieu days will"
  1. . W !,"be posted to this Pay Period when it is opened.",!
  1. ;
  1. ; If the next pay period is already opened, loop through the
  1. ; employees again with HOL(3070102)=-2. This is the 2nd date
  1. ; in the PDH variable.
  1. ;
  1. W !,"PP 07-01 is already open. Running checks to see if any"
  1. W !,"employees needed to have their extra holiday posted in this"
  1. W !,"Pay Period.",!
  1. ;
  1. S HOL(3070102)=-2 ; Set 01/02/2007 into HOL array
  1. S PPI=0,PPI=$O(^PRST(458,"B","07-01",PPI))
  1. I 'PPI D Q
  1. . W !!,"The IEN for PP 07-01 was not found."
  1. . W !,"Contact EVS at 888-596-4357."
  1. ;
  1. S DFN=0
  1. F S DFN=$O(^PRST(458,PPI,"E",DFN)) Q:DFN'>0 D
  1. . S TT="HX",DUP=0
  1. . D E^PRSAPPH
  1. Q