Prompt: !!," Enter a 'Y' to print BLANK (no data) MARs for the following patient(s). Enteran 'N' (or press the RETURN key) to print MARs complete with orders. Enter an '^' to exit this option now."
Line Location: BH+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!?2,"Enter the START DATE of the "_PSGMARDF_" days for which this MAR is to print. Unless",!,"the BLANK MARs are selected, all orders for the patient(s) selected that are",!,"(or were) active during the date range selected will print."
Line Location: DH+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !?2,"Time is not required. Enter a date with time if you want to print only those",!,"orders that are active after the date and time specified. Enter a date with-",!,"out time if you want to print all orders that are active on that "
Line Location: DH+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: "date. If blank",!,"MARs are selected, any time entered will be ignored."