Source file <PSIVHLP1.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DRGINQ | ;;Enter 'ADDITIVE' if you want to print information on the
RNTBAT | ;;Enter the # that corresponds to the suspended labels
RESWL | ;;Answer 'Y' if you want to reset the ward list. You should only
OPUR | ;;If you do not want to purge this IV order that you have chosen
UWL | ;;The # that is shown as a default will be the # that
ONUWL | ;;Type the order # for this patient that you wish to update.
YNPRG | ;;If you are sure you want to start the purge, answer 'Y'.
NCILBL | ;;If you want the labels that you are about to print to be
PRTVW | ;;If you want a view of the order printed to a printer before it
PRTAVW | ;;If you want a view of the order's activity log printed to a printer
NOL | ;;Enter the # of labels that you wish to print. You may only
SUSRPT | ;;If you want this report printed to the printer that you selected
PRORPT1 | ;;To have an activity log printed with each view of an order,
ADMYN | ;;Since this patient has not been admitted into the hospital, you
RTDS | ;;If bottles for this order were returned for
PROFL | ;;Enter an 'S' to see only active IV ORDERS, 'L' to see all IV ORDERS
LBSUSD | ;;Enter the order # for which labels should be deleted.
PROVRP | ;;Enter the name of the Provider (last name, first name) or
DRGCST | ;;Enter drug name, ^ALL (all drugs), ^NON (non-formulary drugs),
WARD | ;;Enter a specific Ward name for which data should be captured
PATQ | ;;Respond "Y" to capture cost and units dispensed
AORS | ;;To edit the unit cost of a drug, you must first indicate if the
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |