OMP ;;This option will allow costs to be changed in the statistics file.
;;The Average Drug Cost Per Unit field in the Additive or Solution file
;;must first have been edited for the new cost to appear.
;;A single drug or multiple drugs (separated by , ) may be selected.
;;After drugs have been selected, the editing of the statistics file
;;runs as a background job.
ACT ;;This active order report will list all active orders containing
;;the specified drug. You may pick a single drug or you may select
;;all drugs by entering ^ALL.
ZW ;;This active order report will list all active orders within the
;;ward that you specify. You may select a specific ward. You may
;;also select Outpatient orders by entering ^OUTPATIENT or you may
;;select all wards by entering ^ALL.
LABLOG ;;If you wish to view the label log as part of the activity log,
;;please answer yes. The label log will show date and time labels
;;were printed, who printed them, where the labels came from, and
;;how many were printed. This log will also show labels recycled,
;;destroyed, and cancelled.
DCR ;;You may capture drug costs several different ways. Select ^ALL
;;and you will get a report of all IV drugs. Select a single drug
;;name and you will get a report for just that drug. Select ^NON
;;and you will get a report of just non-formulary drugs. Select
;;^CAT and you will get a report only for the drugs that you have
;;defined in your category file for the particular category you
;;select. This feature is a report generator that allows you to
;;define your own cost reports. Select ^VADC and you will get a report
;;just for the VA drug class code you select. If you are running the
;;drug cost report, you may also select ^HIGH to get a high/low cost
;;report. You define the upper and lower bounds. You may also select
;;^TYPE to get a report by IV type. This feature will allow you
;;to subtract cancelled and recycled out of AMIS. Run the drug cost
;;report for 1 IV room and select a type. The bag summary gives
;;the % of bags cancelled, recycled, and destroyed. Take this percentage
;;and subtract it out of the AMIS count for that IV room.
;;NOTE: you may not include patient data when running the drug cost
;;report by IV type.
CON ;;The condensed report will 'NOT' show you cost and units by ward
;;and will never include patient data. If you are simply looking for
;;a drug cost total and do not need to know units and cost by ward,
;;or patient, run the condensed version of this report.
IVR ;;You may run the Ward, Provider, or Drug cost report for one or all
;;IV rooms. Enter ^ALL to get a report for all IV rooms or enter
;;the specific IV room you wish to capture data for. This feature
;;allows you to keep report size low if you only need data for one
;;room. It also allows you to do cost and summary comparisons
;;between IV rooms. It also allows you to subtract out recycled
;;and cancelled from AMIS by running the drug cost report by Type
;;and 1 IV room. The bag summary may be used as described in
;;the drug prompt help text.
REPRINT ;;Enter a date, without time, that corresponds to the date which
;;labels are to be reprinted for. Example: If you ran scheduled
;;labels for today and you want to reprint labels from that set,
;;enter a "T" for "TODAY" or <RETURN>.
NVO ;;Choose 'P' to work on all nonverified orders for a single patient,
;;'I' to work on all nonverified orders for a specific IV room,
;;or 'W' to work on all nonverified orders for a specific ward.
INCOMP ;;Enter 'D' delete the order from the system, or 'B' to take
;;no action on this order.
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HPSIVHLP2 3952 printed Sep 02, 2024@18:49:31 Page 2
+2 WRITE !
if PSIVHLP2=""
+3 WRITE !
OMP ;;This option will allow costs to be changed in the statistics file.
+1 ;;The Average Drug Cost Per Unit field in the Additive or Solution file
+2 ;;must first have been edited for the new cost to appear.
+3 ;;A single drug or multiple drugs (separated by , ) may be selected.
+4 ;;After drugs have been selected, the editing of the statistics file
+5 ;;runs as a background job.
+6 ;;
ACT ;;This active order report will list all active orders containing
+1 ;;the specified drug. You may pick a single drug or you may select
+2 ;;all drugs by entering ^ALL.
+3 ;;
ZW ;;This active order report will list all active orders within the
+1 ;;ward that you specify. You may select a specific ward. You may
+2 ;;also select Outpatient orders by entering ^OUTPATIENT or you may
+3 ;;select all wards by entering ^ALL.
+4 ;;
LABLOG ;;If you wish to view the label log as part of the activity log,
+1 ;;please answer yes. The label log will show date and time labels
+2 ;;were printed, who printed them, where the labels came from, and
+3 ;;how many were printed. This log will also show labels recycled,
+4 ;;destroyed, and cancelled.
+5 ;;
DCR ;;You may capture drug costs several different ways. Select ^ALL
+1 ;;and you will get a report of all IV drugs. Select a single drug
+2 ;;name and you will get a report for just that drug. Select ^NON
+3 ;;and you will get a report of just non-formulary drugs. Select
+4 ;;^CAT and you will get a report only for the drugs that you have
+5 ;;defined in your category file for the particular category you
+6 ;;select. This feature is a report generator that allows you to
+7 ;;define your own cost reports. Select ^VADC and you will get a report
+8 ;;just for the VA drug class code you select. If you are running the
+9 ;;drug cost report, you may also select ^HIGH to get a high/low cost
+10 ;;report. You define the upper and lower bounds. You may also select
+11 ;;^TYPE to get a report by IV type. This feature will allow you
+12 ;;to subtract cancelled and recycled out of AMIS. Run the drug cost
+13 ;;report for 1 IV room and select a type. The bag summary gives
+14 ;;the % of bags cancelled, recycled, and destroyed. Take this percentage
+15 ;;and subtract it out of the AMIS count for that IV room.
+16 ;;NOTE: you may not include patient data when running the drug cost
+17 ;;report by IV type.
+18 ;;
CON ;;The condensed report will 'NOT' show you cost and units by ward
+1 ;;and will never include patient data. If you are simply looking for
+2 ;;a drug cost total and do not need to know units and cost by ward,
+3 ;;or patient, run the condensed version of this report.
+4 ;;
IVR ;;You may run the Ward, Provider, or Drug cost report for one or all
+1 ;;IV rooms. Enter ^ALL to get a report for all IV rooms or enter
+2 ;;the specific IV room you wish to capture data for. This feature
+3 ;;allows you to keep report size low if you only need data for one
+4 ;;room. It also allows you to do cost and summary comparisons
+5 ;;between IV rooms. It also allows you to subtract out recycled
+6 ;;and cancelled from AMIS by running the drug cost report by Type
+7 ;;and 1 IV room. The bag summary may be used as described in
+8 ;;the drug prompt help text.
+9 ;;
REPRINT ;;Enter a date, without time, that corresponds to the date which
+1 ;;labels are to be reprinted for. Example: If you ran scheduled
+2 ;;labels for today and you want to reprint labels from that set,
+3 ;;enter a "T" for "TODAY" or <RETURN>.
+4 ;
NVO ;;Choose 'P' to work on all nonverified orders for a single patient,
+1 ;;'I' to work on all nonverified orders for a specific IV room,
+2 ;;or 'W' to work on all nonverified orders for a specific ward.
+3 ;;
INCOMP ;;Enter 'D' delete the order from the system, or 'B' to take
+1 ;;no action on this order.