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Routine: PSJSV0


Go to the documentation of this file.
  1. ;;5.0; INPATIENT MEDICATIONS ;**3**;16 DEC 97
  1. ;
  1. ENPSJI ; inquire for Inpatient Meds
  1. S PSJPP="PSJ"
  1. ;
  1. ENI ; inquire
  1. R !!,"Select STANDARD SCHEDULE: ",X:DTIME W:'$T $C(7) I "^"[X!'$T K X,PSJPP Q
  1. I X?1."?" W !!?2,"Enter a standard schedule to view the information pertaining to that schedule."
  1. K DIC S DIC("W")="S Z=$P(^(0),""^"",5) W "" "",$S(Z=""O"":""(ONE-TIME)"",Z=""R"":""(RANGE)"",Z=""S"":$P(^(0),""^"",6),$P(^(0),""^"",2)]"""":$P(^(0),""^"",2),$P(^(0),""^"",3):$P(^(0),""^"",3)_"" minutes"",1:"""") K Z"
  1. S DIC="^PS(51.1,",DIC(0)="EQSZ",D="AP"_PSJPP D IX^DIC K DIC G:Y'>0 ENI
  1. S X=$P(Y(0),"^",5) W !!?2,"Schedule: ",$P(Y(0),"^"),?58,"Type: ",$S("C"[X:"CONTINUOUS",X="D":"DAY OF THE WEEK",X="O":"ONE-TIME",X="S":"SHIFT",X="R":"RANGE",1:X) G:"C"'[X&(X'="S") ENI
  1. I "C"[X,$P(Y(0),"^",2)]"" W !?2,"Standard Admin Times: ",$P(Y(0),"^",2) W:$P(Y(0),U,7) !?2,"Max Days for Orders: ",$P(Y(0),U,7)
  1. E I "C"[X,$P(Y(0),"^",3) W !?2,"Frequency (in minutes): ",$P(Y(0),"^",3)
  1. I X="S",$P(Y(0),"^",5)]"" W !,"Standard Shifts: ",$P(Y(0),"^",5)
  1. I $O(^PS(51.1,+Y,PSJPP'="PSJ"+1,0))
  1. I F Q=0:0 S Q=$O(^PS(51.1,+Y,PSJPP'="PSJ"+1,Q)) Q:'Q D
  1. .I PSJPP'="PSJ" I $D(^PS(51.1,+Y,PSJPP'="PSJ"+1,Q,0)) S Z=^(0) W !!?2,"Location: ",$S('$D(^SC(Q,0)):Q_";SC(",$P(^(0),"^")]"":$P(^(0),"^"),1:Q_";SC("),!?2,$S(X="S":"Shift: ",1:"Admin Times: "),$P(Z,"^",X="S"+2)
  1. .I PSJPP="PSJ" I $D(^PS(51.1,+Y,PSJPP'="PSJ"+1,Q,0)) S Z=^(0) W !!?2,"Ward: ",$S('$D(^DIC(42,Q,0)):Q_";DIC(42",$P(^(0),"^")]"":$P(^(0),"^"),1:Q_";DIC(42"),!?2,"Ward Admin Times: ",$P(Z,"^",2)
  1. K Q,Y,Z G ENI
  1. ;
  1. ENSVH ; show help
  1. I X="?" W !?5,"Enter a schedule for this order."
  1. I X?2."?" F Q=1:1:8 W !?3,$P($T(SCHT+Q),";",3) I Q=3,X="??" Q
  1. W:X="??" !?3,"..."
  1. I R !,"(Press RETURN to continue.) ",Q:DTIME W:'$T $C(7) S:'$T Q="^" Q:Q="^"
  1. S DIC="^PS(51.1,",DIC(0)="E",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),""^"",4)="""_PSJPP_"""",DIC("W")="D DICW^PSJSV0"
  1. D ^DIC K DIC Q
  1. ;
  1. SCHT ;
  1. ;; This is the frequency that the action of the order is to take place over
  1. ;;the life of the order. The schedule may have various forms, such as 'ONCE',
  1. ;;'STAT', 'DAILY', 'Q8H', 'QOD', 'Q5XD', and 'MO-WE-FR@09'.
  1. ;; Please note that unexact schedules, such as 'Q4-6H' may not produce the
  1. ;;desired results.
  1. ;; Also, when entering a schedule involving days of the week, you need not
  1. ;;enter the entire name of each day, but you must enter at least the first two
  1. ;;letters of each day.
  1. ;
  1. DICW ;
  1. S Z=$P(^(0),"^",5),Z=$S(Z="O":-1,Z="S":1,Z="R":-2,1:0) W:Z " ",$S(Z>0:"SHIFT",Z=-2:"RANGE",1:"ONE-TIME") I Z'<0,$D(PSJW),$D(^(PSJPP'="PSJ"+1,PSJW,0)),$P(^(0),"^",Z+2)]"" W " ",$P(^(0),"^",Z+2) Q
  1. W " ",$P(^PS(51.1,+Y,0),"^",Z*4+2) Q
  1. Q