PSOPFSU1 ;BIR/LE,AM - PFSS Charge Message & Utilities ;08/09/93
Source file <PSOPFSU1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
CHRGOF | ;Retrieve charge fields for orig fills
CHRGRF | ;Retrieve charge fields for refills
GOC | ;Called from CHRGOF, CHRGRF. Parse OP classifications and ICD's. Don't send null values.
CG | ;Called from PSOCPB; for the last fill, send chrg message if released; PSOCPB too large for more code.
; this is used for SC/EI changes when no charges are cancelled. Expects to have PSODA = RXIEN and PSOLFIL= fill# |
LF(PSODA) | ;return last fill number;CALLED from PSOCPB
PFSI(PSODA,PSOREF) | ;get PFSS Acct Ref and Charge ID and store in PSOPFS; Called from multiple places in this routine
PFSA(PSODA,PSOREF,WR) | ;called from PSOCP (WR=2) and PSOCPB (WR=3)
PFS | ;;Called from PSOCPB; PSOCPB is too large to hold more code. Processes copay cancels for PFS only.
FileNo | Call Tags |
^PSRX - [#52] | GETS^DIQ |
52.1 | GETS^DIQ |
^PS(53 - [#53] | GET1^DIQ |