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Routine: PSOSPMU0

Package: Outpatient Pharmacy

Routine: PSOSPMU0


PSOSPMU0 ;BIRM/MFR - State Prescription Monitoring Program - Load ASAP Definition Utility ;10/07/12

Source Information

Source file <PSOSPMU0.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
LOADASAP(VERSION,DEFTYPE,ASARRAY) ; Loads the ASAP definition array for the specific Version
; Input: (r) VERSION - ASAP Version (3.0, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2)
; (r) DEFTYPE - ASAP Definition Type (S: Standard Only; C: Customized Only, B: Both)
SEGTREE(VERSION,DEFTYPE,ARRAY) ; Retrieve Hierarchical (Tree) Segement Positioning Information for each ASAP Version
; Input: (r) VERSION - ASAP Version (e.g., "3.0", "4.2", etc.)
; (r) DEFTYPE - ASAP Definition Type (S: Standard Only; C: Customized Only, B: Both)
BLDTREE(SEG,SEGINFO,ARRAY) ; Build the ASAP Segment Tree (Recursivity Used)
; Input: SEG - Initial Segment (Usually "" to build from the top of the tree)
; SEGINFO - Segment Information Array (Parent & Position)
VERLIST(DEFTYPE,REGZERO,ARRAY) ; Return a list of ASAP Versions ;Zero Report adding REGZERO
; Input: (r) DEFTYPE - ASAP Definition Type (D: Default Only; C: Customized Only, F: Fully Customized Only,
; A: All. A combination is also allowed, e.g., "CF")
; (r) REGZERO - Regular or Zero Report or Both ASAP Definitions (R: Regular Only;
; Z: Zero Report Only; B: Both)
VERDATA(VERSION,DEFTYPE) ; Returns the ASAP Version fields
; Input: (r) VERSION - ASAP Version (e.g., "3.0", "4.2", etc.)
; (r) DEFTYPE - ASAP Definition Type (S: Standard Only; C: Customized Only, B: Both)
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