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Routine: PSUDEM1

Package: Pharmacy Benefits Management

Routine: PSUDEM1


PSUDEM1 ;BIR/DAM - Patient Demographics Extract ; 20 DEC 2001

Source Information

Source file <PSUDEM1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ;EN Routine control module
HL7 ;This is the Patient Demographics extract that runs only when
DAT ;Date Module
INST ;EN Place institution code sending report into temp global.
DEM ;PULL PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS. This is run only when user selects
DEM1 ;
PRIO ;Pull Enrollment Priority
MISC ;Pulls miscellaneous additional info via EN^DIQ1 call
ICN ;Find patient ICN
ETH ;Ethnicity and multiple race entries
XMD ;Format mailman message and send.
CONF ;Construct globals for confirmation message
REC ;EN If "^" is contained in any record, replace it with "'"

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^VA(200 - [#200] GET1^DIQ
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