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Routine: PSUDEM2

Package: Pharmacy Benefits Management

Routine: PSUDEM2


PSUDEM2 ;BIR/DAM - Outpatient Visits Extract ;1/23/09 3:10pm

Source Information

Source file <PSUDEM2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ;EN Called from PSUCP
DAT1 ;Find visits from V POV file that fall within the date range
DAT2 ;
POVS ;several POVs can have same visit, work all when the first is found
SET ; Set segment
XMD ;Format mailman message and send.
TLC ; Count Lines sent
CONF ;Construct globals for confirmation message
NODATA ;Generate a 'No data' message if there is no data in the extract
REC ;EN If "^" is contained in any record, replace it with "'"
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