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Routine: PSUOP1

Package: Pharmacy Benefits Management

Routine: PSUOP1


PSUOP1 ;BIR/CFL - PSU PBM Outpatient Pharmacy Data Collection for Version 6.0 ;25 AUG 1998

Source Information

Source file <PSUOP1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ;Entry to data collection
ADLOOP ;Loop through the AD cross reference
ARLOOP ;Check to see if CMOP Data exists for the reporting period
ADPLOOP ;Get data for partial fills
GETDATA ;Get the data for New Fills, Refills and Partial fills
GETPART ;Get data for Partial Fills
COMVAR ;Get the common variables
CMOPARY ;Loop through the "AR" cross reference and build CMOP array
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