PSUOP3 ;BIR/CFL,TJH,PDW-PSU PBM Outpatient Pharmacy shared variables ;08/25/2003
Source file <PSUOP3.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PROVDR | ;Get provider data, site number and AMIS category
GETVAR | ;Get shared variables
NOPROV | ; set up PSUPROV array when provider isn't found in ^VA(200
GETDRUG | ;Get drug data
SETREC | ;Set the record into the ^XTMP global
SUMDRUG | ; total drug info for summary report
REC4 | ;Multidose records greater than 200 characters in length
REC5 | ;
REC6 | ;
FileNo | Call Tags |
^PSRX - [#52] | GET1^DIQ |