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Routine: PSUOP8

Package: Pharmacy Benefits Management

Routine: PSUOP8


PSUOP8 ;BIR/DAM - Outpatient AMIS Summary Message;04 MAR 2004

Source Information

Source file <PSUOP8.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ;Entry point for MailMan message
MSG ;Create the Rx AMIS summary mailman message
VAR ;Set contents of ^TMP global into VARIABLES
TCOST ;Calculate total cost for prescription fills
UNADCST ;Calculate Cost Per Unadjusted Fill
FILL ;Calculate Cost Per 30-day Fill
VAR2 ;Set contents of ^TMP globals into variables
TOTAL1 ;Add each column to get totals for all divisions
TOTAL2 ;Add each column to get totals for all divisions
MAIL ;Send AMIS summary mailman message
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